Fellowships & Grants
In the 2017-2018 academic year, in order to promote interest in Japanese culture and excellence in Japanese studies at UVA, the Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures launched an annual prize competition for critical essays by UVA students about works of Japanese literature, Japanese culture, or Japan-US cultural relations. Translations (J-E) with a critical preface are also considered. The contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors. Submissions are nominated by professors. Every year, up to two winning entries will be selected by a committee composed of DEALLC faculty members. Each prize winner is awarded $500. This contest is made possible by a generous gift from Mr. Aaron Nir (BA '87) and his wife Satoko, and is designated the Michiko N. Wilson Award to acknowledge and memorialize the forty years of Ms. Michiko N. Wilson's career at the University of Virginia as Professor of Modern Japanese Literature and Language.
Winning papers from past years can be accessed here.
Donation to this fund can be made either by
- Check, payable to: UVA Fund - Michiko N. Wilson Award. Please be sure to include her first name, Michiko, as the Alumni Association has several awards for people with the last name Wilson
- Online. The online link is here.
Through the generosity of Mr. Steve Monaghan, the Monaghan Annual Scholarship, administered by the Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures, provides funding for travel to East Asia for students pursuing the study of an East Asian language. Steve Monaghan, class of 1980, majored in East Asian Studies at UVA and then earned a master’s degree at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He retired after 30 years at UPS, where he was heavily involved in developing the company’s strategy and operations in China, India, and the Middle East. His professional proficiency in spoken and written Chinese was a key success factor throughout his career. He values the intercultural exchange and understanding gained through language study abroad and, through his philanthropy, desires to support students in their efforts to study East Asian languages.
Mastercard Asian Studies Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded annually in alternate years to rising fourth-year majors in the East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures departments, respectively. To be competitive, students applying for this scholarship should also be applying for the Distinguished Majors Program. This scholarship is in the amount of approximately $4000 for tuition, and it carries with it the possibility to apply for a paid summer internship with Mastercard. Unless we are informed otherwise, we assume that all applicants for the DMP are also applying for this scholarship.
This grant is awarded by the East Asia Center at the University of Virginia. Funds granted are to be used towards the cost of round-trip air fare between Charlottesville and East Asia. Travel within an Asian country will not be covered by the grant.
Both students and faculty members are eligible. Applicants must plan to be in East Asia at least two weeks for study or research. They are also required to be in residence at the University the following academic year and must be willing to share their newly acquired knowledge with the University community via lectures, seminars, and/or other presentations. Student applicants must spend eight weeks or more in East Asia to be eligible for funding up to full round trip air fare. A complete statement of eligibility, selection criteria, and application procedures may be found in the Weedon Travel Grant Information listed below.
- Ellen Bayard Weedon Travel Grant Information (link to come)
- Faculty Application
- Student Application
- Acceptance Letter
The Freeman-ASIA Program, generously supported by the Freeman Foundation and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), aims to increase the number of U.S. undergraduates who study in East and Southeast Asia by providing them with the information and financial assistance they will need. Award amounts vary from $3,000 for a summer program to $5,000 for a semester/quarter program to $7,000 for an academic year program.
Detailed information is available on the program website.
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA)
U.S. Student Programs
Institute of International Education
809 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-3580
Tel: 212-984-5542
Fax: 212-984-5325
Email: freeman-asia@iie.org
The C.Y. Tung scholarship for spring voyages of Semester at Sea is a great opportunity to study China and its place in the world from several different disciplinary perspectives. Scholarship students will also participate in a special seminar on US-China relations along with students from China. The ship travels from CA through Asia and Africa and debarks in England.