Gustav Heldt
Curriculum Vitae
PhD Columbia (2000), MPhil Columbia (1996), MA Columbia (1994)
My area of specialization is in the language, literature, and cultural history of Japan prior to contact with the West, with related interests in gender, poetics, narratology, ritual practices, comparative historiography, and myth. At the University of Virginia I regularly teach courses such as JPTR 3010 (Survey of Japanese Literature) and JAPN 4710 (Introduction to Literary Japanese), as well as seminars on more specialized topics such as Japanese myth, the Tale of Genji, Japanese court women's literature, and medieval warrior tales.
Navigating Narratives: Tsurayuki’s Tosa Diary as History and Fiction
Harvard Asia Center (2024)
China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-Regional Connections
by Dorothy C. Wong and Gustav Heldt
Cambria Press (2014)
The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters
Columbia University Press (2014)
The Pursuit of Harmony: Poetry and Power in Early Heian Japan
Cornell East Asia Series (2009)