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Congratulations to Mina Mori and Geetanjali Gandhe, the winners of the 2022 Wilson Prize!

The committee for the 2022 Michiko N. Wilson Award for student papers on Japan-related topics has chosen the recipients for this year's award. The winners are rising 4th year student Geetanjali Gandhe who wrote the paper “Why Okinawan Public Opinion Soured on American Military Bases” for PLCP 3500 (Politics of Japan) in Fall 2021, and graduating student Mina Mori who wrote the paper “Black Hafu: The Foreign “Other” Within Their Own Ethnicity” for JPTR 3559 (Expressions and Experiences Beyond Japan: Transnational Japanese Art and Literature) in Spring 2022. Geetanjali is double-majoring in Computer Science and Foreign Affairs with a minor in Japanese Language & Literature, and Mina is double-majoring in Japanese and Biology.

Each winner will receive a cash prize of $500 USD. The prize is made possible by the support of Mr. Aaron Nir (BA '87) and his wife Satoko, and is designated the Michiko N. Wilson Award to acknowledge and memorialize the forty years of Ms. Michiko N. Wilson's career at the University of Virginia as Professor of Modern Japanese Literature and Language.

The prize-winning papers will be shared on our website in the coming weeks.