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DEALLC is pleased to offer three new courses for the Fall 2014 semester. 

EALC 3559/5559: The Lotus Sutra in Words and Images
Professor Benedetta Lomi
Wednesdays 2:00-4:30PM
Bryan Hall 235

The Lotus Sutra is beyond doubt one of the most influential and popular Buddhist scriptures in East Asia. Its parables have inspired unique literary and visual narratives, and its teachings still provide an ethical blueprint for contemporary Buddhists worldwide. In this course, we will assess the breadth and depth of the Lotsu sūtra sway on East Asian culture, by focusing on the different forms the scripture has taken in its long history. We will therefore engage with a variety of materials, practices and ideas: from cave-temple frescoes and Buddhist miracle tales, to modern literature and politics.

JPTR 3559/5559: Religion in Japanese Popular Culture: from Kibyoshi to Manga
Professor Benedetta Lomi
Tuesday/Thursday 5:00-6:15PM
Clark Hall 101

This course examines key aspects of the Japanese modern and contemporary religious culture through a variety of popular media, ranging from Edo period kibyôshi to contemporary manga and anime. 

CHTR 4559: Sunzi and The Art of War
Professor Mark Metcalf
Tuesdays 3:30-6:00PM
New Cabell 407

A close reading of The Art of War (in English translation); an investigation of historical Chinese interpretations of the text; an appraisal of military and business applications of the text from contemporary Chinese writings.